Thursday, January 03, 2013

The new year

With the new year 2013 approaching, I was thinking of some new resolutions but on second thought, I don't think any resolutions that I made will be coming through. I find that I don't have enough time to do everything that I want with my current things going on.

But I know I will be able to do all the current ones. Just can't take on new things. I complained that I don't have enough hours of my day to do what I want but maybe it is because I don't know how to manage my time properly so managing my time will be one resolution for the coming year.

Oh yeah guess what? The world didn't end. I won't comment so much on what people predict. If the world ends, it ends. If it doesn't end, life still goes on.

Ooopss. this was supposed to be out a few days before the year ended. Hehehe..

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