Thursday, January 03, 2013


Was meant to put up some posts that I drafted but I was so caught up with watching cantonese dramas on dvds. They all have martial art fighting in the scenes. Good way to learn more cantonese since hubby's family and extended family speaks cantonese. New year was ok. I made some wonton soup with noodles. I don't know how to make other nice food to eat but I guess I will have to learn more to make nice food to eat and enjoy.

I haven't got any resolutions this year though. I made resolutions almost every year but not this year. I shall think of what I can do and what I will want to do. Something that is achievable. Lol.. I also bought amazon kindle for myself. Something that I can use when ipad is used or at work, I can read during my break. I want to read more of the good books rather than normal story books to improve myself. =)

I have been reading the free ebook on how to make money blogging. Seriously, I do make some and yes, you shouldn't quit your day job just because you are earning some. Anyway, I haven't been earning money blogging already. I just never get anything and it just stopped. So now, I am just blogging for fun. I do make effort to blog when I have time just to maintain the blog. I do have things to blog, just that the articles I write will never be as good as others. My blog is just for fun and ramblings anyway. I didn't mean to use it to make lots of money. I do have a life here. Making money blogging is just an extra. If I don't, it doesn't matter.

I really do hope that 2013 is going to be a good year with the new house and hopefully new job by Sept after my secondment role finish up. =)

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