Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Daily ramblings

Were busy over the weekend. Only managed to catch up with some things that we wanted to do. Weather was very nice too so of course I had the clothes out to dry. I thought we cleared out the washing basket by Saturday night but it was filled up again the next day. I think I might have thrown in some more stuff. Oops hehehe..

It is summer anyway so the clothes should dry if I wash them daily. =) So, we went to see a few houses on Sunday. One of them wasn't brand new but the price is good. It is wooden house though and within our budget. It is a long term investment so I had second thought about getting wooden house. I would rather get modern brick house as we would be staying long term.

Probably won't be able to find a house before Christmas but that is ok. It does take time and I don't mind. I shall stop babbling about the house now. One more week of November and it is December already. With Christmas coming up, there are a lot of events filling in my calendar each week so yes, we are getting busy. Well, all these events and things to catch up will definitely fill up my time until next year.

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