Wednesday, October 03, 2012


It has been a long time since I blogged. Hehehe.. been lazying around at home watching tv and just going online. I spent time cooking for the past weeks that we didn't go martial art classes. This week, we are back. My swimming classes has finished for the term already. So I don't have classes anymore. I will enrol for next year though. Just something to get me to swimming every week. Don't see a point in enrolling if I am going to miss 4 weeks worth of classes right?

Anyway, I have started in my new role already. It was awesome. I got to learn to use excel properly. Data comparing and all the stuff. I mean, I don't use excel that much before and now I am learning to use. I will keep what I learnt in mind for next projects if I get to stay permanently or maybe future jobs etc. Hehehe.. definitely a good knowledge to keep.

We also got our new car already. Am happy about it. But I would prefer to have the old car back. I know it's not safe but still.. it is easier to park a small car or squeezing through some small lane.

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