Sunday, October 07, 2012

Waiting till then

One more weekend till then. Yay.. I can't wait. Starting to get everything ready and nervous too.

Nervous because you have to get everything ready by then and arrange everything. I don't want anything to go wrong too so that's another thing that I will get nervous about.

Hubby's cousins are back till next week and this week. It was awesome to have them around so yeah... Abby is growing up so fast. She is smart and cute. Hehehe.. makes me wonder if my future little ones will be like that which I am hoping so. I mean, different babies do give different parents things to do. Abby is so quiet and so 'guai'. She slept through the nights after she turned 2 months old. It is incredible because most babies won't even do that.

Anyway, she is one cute little girl. It would be awesome when she knows how to talk. Oh yeah she just stares at you when you make stupid faces at her. Doesn't even bother her at all. 

We also talked about how cousin asked her mum and her mum-in-law to help with things in a different tone. Also about leaving the baby with grandparents while the parents go off somewhere.  We just laughed at ourselves as we talked about these topics.

Right, enough of these topics. Need to get back into blogging about normal days huh.

I hope to put up some photos as soon as hubby uploads photos from my phone. Otherwise I have to send photos from phone to my email to upload. Yes, the long way. I rather not login facebook using my phone because first: the server may not be safe and second: takes too much battery.

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