Thursday, September 20, 2012

Up to date

Just wanted to share something about this article. Be aware of what sort of pin numbers you use for bank purposes.

It's the weekend. Yay.. I am a little tired this week. Guess it is from the cold and flu that I am having. Am getting better though each day and getting back my energy. I shall have start exercising again to make sure my body is up running. I guess it was just from the accident and feeling bad about it and tired that makes me sick.

Next week is the last week of my swimming class for the term. I am not going for swimming next term though since am going to be away for a while. But I will definitely enrol for next year.

I am starting my project role on the 1st October. Yay.. am excited because it is something new and something to add to my CV. There's no new payrise but that's ok. The experience is the most important at the moment.

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