Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Daily update

Another 2 more days it will be end of February, luckily the weather is still good to us, we still need
to put on a sweater when out for morning walk. There was a bit of rain 2 days ago, a bit means
few drops to wet and dirty your car and then stopped, made you wonder whether it was raining or
somebody playing with the water host in the garden.

Recently I was given a small sports gift bag with a pedometer in it, it is good that I was able to
record the number of steps that I walked with the device, I heard it is essential to walk for over
or at least 10,000 steps in a day. So my friends and I started to walk at least 4 rounds in the
compound which is about 6500-7000 steps, combined with those steps in the house for the rest of
the day, I was able to achieve the 10,000 steps daily. I don’t know whether this will keep me fit but I
am sure I walked faster than all others during the recent shopping trip in KL malls, hahaha ....

I am still missing my aerobic instructor, I miss going to her classes. I heard she started a class in
Korea. To me, she is a very good instructor and also best because she did it free for us ! Aha ! I
hope she has a good time with her new students in Korea.

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