Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Creative cupcakes


I did it again. I forgot to put the post by me and put sis who doesn't blog at all. Gosh.. well, I changed it already. Check out the muffin. It's very nice and looks very professional huh? Hehehe.. both of us and daddy helped to decorate the muffins for the wedding. Daddy helped to look after the wedding cake when it was steamed. Hoho.. it was really great to just sit down together even just making muffins or chatting. Haven't done that for so long.

Actually, would I call these muffins or cupcakes? I never know what is the difference between those two. I confuse myself and in the end, people had to explain to me. Actually, making cupcakes for business is quite interesting and if lucky, business owners might make profit. Can even send cupcakes for girls around the block or neighbours.

La la la.. I shall stop and watch my gossip girls series. Will babble more in the next post.

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