Wednesday, October 19, 2011


It's mid October now. I always say time passes very fast and it does. Work has been busy and we are also doing bits of pieces too. Also trying to meet up with friends, be it catching up and discussing things about wedding.

Work has been busy because we were trying to clear the backlog. I am trying to rest more by sleeping earlier and thus, not a lot of time to sit in front of computer and watching movies. Oh but we did rent movies last weekend though. I shall reveal what movies we watch in the next post. Hahaha..

A sneak peak la, one of the movies is a chinese one starring Sammo Hung, there is a little bit on wing chun. One of the rivals in the movie uses silvery stuff. hehe.. the shape of it makes it sounds like podiums. Hmm.. I don't know what is podium and yet I use that word. Hmm.. the word sounded chemical type of stuff though. But the meaning of it means to raise something to a short distance above its surroundings.

I am also addicted to playing the game Zuma Blitz every night. Hahaha.. at least one. Now darling is also wanting to shake the tree to help me get a life to play the games. Hehehehe.. Yeah I can't wait for parents and sis to come but I don't want the time to pass so fast because they are not here for long time. Sigh..

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