Friday, October 07, 2011

What should the title be?

Canty uni is asking the staff to resign. Scary, apparently it's because the student numbers has decrease so they need to cut down the staff. Think it is best to stay in current job since there are more job cuts.

Things have been good so far. Nothing much happen besides trying to sort out the wedding stuff and finalizing. Weekends are going to be busy for the next month and so. Well, it's good. Time passes really fast when you are busy and enjoying things.

It's almost the end of the year already. Not sure if I did achieve any of my resolutions. Wait, did I have at least one? Hmm.. work has been pretty busy as we're trying to clear the work pile. Need to relax more since I feel tired coming back from work everyday.

Need to do some research on thrust bearings to use for field trips. Wait, I don't go for field trips anymore. I am talking nonsense.  Lol haven't really felt much of earthquakes anymore. As if they are gone already. Lol anyway, I was telling friends that I would love to go for field trips to see the earthquakes epicentre. I can go for one when we go over to Claremont Country Estate yeah. The locations has dinosaurs bones and pretty rivers and sceneries to look at. Can't wait for that.

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