Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I was in a lecture and half way I was thinking about wearing my other flats on days I don’t have to walk a lot. My feet hurt when I walk. But I guess it is normal if the flats are new. Some part of my lecture was boring so I was dreaming away. I couldn’t help thinking about something else anyway. Anyway, I think my feet are not the same size. Whenever I wear shoes or flat, one side of the shoe is really tight and the other side is really loose. My feet are not perfect size. Oh ya, today one of my lecture classes was disrupted by emergency alarm. Don’t worry, it was just practice. But I cannot see anyone moving faster. Everyone seems to be taking their time to walk out from the s block building. I wonder if they will do that to Maths & Stats building. Lecturers and students from 7th floor will have a hard time walking down the stairs. Lift doesn’t work when there is an emergency. I got my first big assignment. There is so much to do for a 10% assignment in 300 level Stats compared to a 10% Stats assignment at 200 levels. When I review all my courses, I really cannot afford to miss Stats314 classes. Why is that? If I miss, I wouldn’t be able to understand when I read the notes. So far, I do understand when the lecturer explains.

And oh, I got an email of when my geology finals. Of all the two weeks of exam period, my geology paper is on the last day. I really have nothing to say. It is good that I have all the time but I really don’t like to finish on the last day.

Another thing I want to mention, I feel so happy when I saw the sun. This means that the clothes washed are dry easily. When I come back from class, I took the clothes outside. It is definitely not good when the wind is strong. I had to go downstairs to check whether the clothes hanger is standing up or lying down on the ground.

This year, I found out that I can connect my computer to uni network from an instruction from uni website. So when I was doing my assignment lab work using the computer packages, I gave up trying to use the computer packages to put in 3 plots in one plot background. I used photoshop instead. How helpful was that. I just finished doing that. I know it takes longer but at least I can do it now instead of waiting till tomorrow to ask my friend.

I am so sick of doing my stats assignment now. Have been cracking my head since yesterday, doing the lab work using computer packages but to no avail. Maybe I should rest and try again tomorrow. Hopefully I will have a new idea popping into my head by morning.


veep said...

wah. a lot of work. im doing scatter graphs as well in maths and my teacher says it is statistics. AHH i hate it..so hard

jazz said...

yea, i am so frustrated with my assignment.i got stuck in few questions and i kept looking for help. i want to ask my frens but none replied me so i am left fuming by myself. no mood to do anything.

Anonymous said...

Me also not a stats fan. Hmmm.. but once you 'master' it, it can be quite satisfying.

Anonymous said...

wah.....use photoshop! really cool! kekeke..

hhmm...i like the sun too...but these few days kinda gloomy...as if winter is coming back!! Nnnnoooo!!!

jazz said...

lynnx01: hehe, i know i can do it if i concentrate and think more. A lot of thinking is needed and that kills my brain cell.

lynnwei: yea, i thought i could use photoshop and why waste even more time hanging around thinking so much, kills my brain cell.

Sherp said...


stats. ergh.

jazz said...

It's due today and i am finished already. hopefully i can get good marks for that.