Saturday, July 26, 2014

Another week has passed..

.. it was an ok week though it felt like a long week. This coming week is pay week. Yay!! Always looking forward to pay day when I can put $$ into the travel account.

I tried my kindle on Friday and found out that the battery is flat. Noo.. I left my kindle charger at work and I cannot charge it at all. I am without my kindle this weekend. But.. I can use my ipad to read my kindle. Teehee..

We don't have any plans this weekend so I manage to use the time to clean the house more. Need to steam mop the tiles floor too.

Just realizing that I don't have a theme each time I blog and the topics are everywhere in this post. Hmm.. guess I would have to start focusing on one topic and blog in each post. Time for me to start trying huh.

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