Thursday, March 06, 2014

Something to share

I do read a lot of good articles on and would love to share them but sometimes I save them up and then ended deleting it later. Probably a waste of time for the extra little work. It is definitely good to read them because it helps boost confidence or let me know of the current affairs.

Anyway, the latest link is about new mothers who go back to work. I do pity them for having to go back to work due to financial situation. Truth be told, it is true that most people cannot afford on one income. From what I heard, daycare or childcare is quite expensive. I agree with those who struggles to pay for childcare.

But toddlers do need to socialise with other toddlers when they are young because I think it might help them when they grow older (it does depend individually though). Yes, we do save money if the grandparents look after them.

I guess life has pros and cons and we just have to make a decision at the end of the day.

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