Tuesday, February 05, 2013


Another weekend gone and it is February already. Second month of the year now and next weekend is Chinese New Year. Time sure pass really fast. Sis is here for a few days and it is already her fourth day. Soon she will be going back to dud. =( It is nice to have her around. Helped with dinner and making lunch too. Lol appreciated the company too.

Oh yeah, we played ps3 dance and it was fun. The only thing is that we don't have bigger space in the current house so it was tight dancing in the living room. It was good exercise and she really enjoyed it. I was surprised when she mentioned that she wanted to learn martial art. Never thought they would thought of it. Lol and I was happy to teach her some very basic ones.

Over the last weeks, I found some articles on finding jobs in NZ like winnning lotto and research to happiness to share here. Bought a new kindle cover for myself over the weekend so now I have a nice kindle cover. Love to take a photo of it and put it up here and will do so when I figured out how to upload via my phone yeah. Hehehe..

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