Monday, August 20, 2012

What a weekend

It has been a while since I last blog here. Anyway, time to update again.

Paintball was awesome. I was the only girl there. Girls usually don't want to get shot at but I want to try paintball as I haven't done it before. Yes, I am always in the mood of trying something new. Oh it really depends on $$. If it is too expensive, maybe will postpone it. Like sky diving. One of my colleague sky dive and has ask me to join us. She can't take me with her because she is not on that level yet.

Sure is interesting.

As usual, we rented some movies to watch that night. Hunger games was ok, not what I expected though. A bit slow. I don't think it's worth watching in the cinema. I waited for the dvd to come out. There are more movies that I am waiting for the dvd to come out. It is cheaper to rent because I have the coupon 3 for $10. I still have lots of the coupons because we don't watch every single week. It is only when we don't have anything on.

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