Monday, August 20, 2012

That's me

Wondering how come I only have one follower on this blog and there are more followers on the other blogspot. I doubt anyone reads all my blog since I don't blog that much. I try to but it depends on whether I have done something interesting.

It is also because I don't have all the time in the world. Yes, responsibilities and duties now. I know what, it is because I ramble and dwell in the past that I blog more last time. Oh it is also because I go hang out with friends too. It is the university times where you have all the time in the world because you don't have to go lectures some of the days.

Now it is work, exercise, rest and tv. That's why the life is so boring. Yes, I complained that to hubby all the time. He said it is normal. All I do now is watching movies when I am sitting down relaxing. He complained that I cannot sit still and always must do something. Yes, that is me. He understands me so well. Lol

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