Sunday, August 05, 2012


Thought I would like to change the theme template but the others doesn't look nice for me. So I would have to wait another time to have a look around since I am a little busy now. I need to get my business writing book done as soon as possible so I can read more books to improve myself. Gosh, I seem to talk a lot but haven't done so myself. Bleh..

Blog looks too plain so I will try to take more photos. Just haven't got any idea and the taking photo passion lately. I used to want to take photos all the time. Guess it must be the influence of hating taking photos from friends that I lost the interest. But photos are the memories so if we don't have them, then we will never remember the times. That is just what I thought so. Yes, I have been lazy to take, partly because the camera is a little lousy and my lost of interest in taking photos.

I shall get back to reading my business writing book and stop playing tetris. Can't seem to stop playing them. Sigh..



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Sometime after midnight, he starts yelling things along the lines of “R. Kelly is in the building!” We’ve been standing around for hours but we muster all the enthusiasm we can. The strip club staff begins to clear out the VIP room for R. Kelly. Wow, okay, now it’s looking like R. Kelly actually will show! Finally, at 12:43 in the morning, R. Kelly and his posse take the stage to a medley of his hits. Kells grins at the cheering crowd, everyone loses their shit and starts taking photos with their phones, while R. Kelly just stands there smoking a cigar. Then he walks over to the VIP area and touches more hands and stands there. He is not singing. This parade goes on for a worrisome amount of time.

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