Wednesday, August 08, 2012


Think I forgot to blog over the weekend. It wasn't that busy but we had a few things to do. We didn't get the house and we decide to put the house hunting on hold until after we come back from our holiday. It would be too rush if we get it sorted out. And it is not like we will find a house we like that quick anyway. Both of us are quite picky when it comes to staying in the right house. Oh yeah it has to be within the budget too.

The loan repayments have to be what we can afford to pay each week too. =) That is quite important for us. We did a couple of people for their opinions before we decide. You see, I don't know anything about this. So we asked our accountant friends and also mummy who used to be a personal banker. I am sure they would give valuable opinions so that we can decide what to do.

I am still excited to be looking for houses because it is something that keeps me going.

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