Monday, July 16, 2012

It is always a good time

It's funny that I can't seem to see the domain page but I can still update. Not sure what is happening.

I was viewing a friend's page and her blog list, which has my blog, says blog updated 3 weeks ago. I thought no one could view it? or could it be just me? How weird. I did update my blog a week ago, I think.

Anyway, I think it is still under progress to being fixed. I hope everything should be fine. I still miss having my paid posts. I don't have my side income for the moment.

I am trying to focus on improving myself for the better. As in, improve in interpersonal communication skills and also business writing. Yeah, it's also related to getting better job too. Need to be able to write effective business writing too.

Yeah I suck because I still can't get an interview. I did have one last year but I didn't get the job offer. I guess I didn't have the confidence too.

I do have lots to blog but I either forgot to or no time to post more. I do want to post but I just don't have the time during the weekdays. Too much to do, be it house stuff or interest class. I do try to make time for everything though. Have to. Otherwise I can't do what I want.

I have yet to talk about last week's work function and last night's birthday party. Oh I no longer take photos to upload too. Well, I want to but the camera is very lousy and sometimes I can't seem to upload. Sucks right?

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