Saturday, July 28, 2012

Girls' Tea Party

This post was due last week. Anyway, here goes. Photos do tell a lot.

Tea bag looks nice right? Guess what, it can be eaten. The party is awesome. We did some sharing among ourselves too. The questions are funny and it was good to get to know people's thoughts and their life. Yes, I did talk to others. I need to socialize with others too. Not just people I know. 

I want to improve my circle of friends because it got smaller when I left uni. Also when some friends left Christchurch for good. It's sad because I didn't get to hang out with friends that much. When I went to church and didn't know some of them or when hang out with some friends, I felt left out. That is because I don't know a lot of people. Hehehe.. yes, I am like that so yeah.

Right, I shall stop rambling and get on with the next post huh.

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