Friday, June 15, 2012

And what?

I won't rant in this post. Hehe... I shall say, how wonderful it was to have pizza at work today for lunch. The department did a good job for the results of something (I have no idea because I am in the admin team) so we were rewarded with pizza. It was awesome and I felt so full after that. Yay for that.

Kind of disappointed that we couldn't join friends to see jester theatre event tonight because it finishes quite late and I have overtime work the next day. I could risk being sleepy and not able to focus at work or don't go and focus at work to get better results. I chose the second option. Last night, dmg asked us to go see linley's gig in new brighton. I wanted to go but again, it is on a friday night and I have work the next day. Lousy. If I don't have work, it would have work out better. Sigh..

I shouldn't really complain about having to do overtime. I don't get the opportunity to do overtime because of the work type. I don't do much of the work type so I don't get invited to do it. Not really complaining though since it is extra money if I get to do it. Right.. I shall get back to reading about the portfolio book yeah.

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