Monday, February 20, 2012

Bury of the falling blossoms

The beginning of 2012 brought sad news as two great singers passed away suddenly. Feng Fei Fei, the singer who was called ‘the singer with the hat’ died of lung cancer before the lunar Chinese New Year but her death was only published until after the end of the Chinese New Year. I grew up listening to her songs but have little collection of her albums. The Chinese radio stations have been playing a lot of her songs the past one week and I suddenly like this song so much :
葬花 (the bury of the falling blossoms )

花謝花飛飛滿天 紅銷香斷有誰憐
愁緒滿懷無著處 手把花鋤出繡簾
花開易見落難尋 階前愁煞葬花人
獨把花鋤偷灑淚 灑上空枝見血痕

隨花飛到天盡頭 天盡頭何處有香坵
未若錦囊收豔骨 一堆淨土掩風流
儂今葬花人笑癡 他年葬儂知是誰
一朝春盡紅顏老 花落人亡兩不知

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