Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lazy me

Guess what, I always forget to sign off my posts as myself. The dafault is by sis so I always have to change the name when I see it. Lol... this week is a little busy for us. Potluck dinner on Wednesday night with friends and dinner on Thursday night with a high school friend who is coming down to Christchurch for the weekend. Then weekend, I think we are doing up the garden and perhaps have someone coming to put up auto motor to the garage. Oh yeah, need to wash the car too.

I thought it was raining the weekend before but it didn't so had to postpone it. Well forecast said raining this week. I mean, the rain can wash away some dirt on the car but they do leave some dirt on the windscreen and I don't like it. Oh this weekend, darling's cousin from welly is coming down so might be spending time. Hoho see how busy we are.

I think ex-colleague from Napier is coming down too but I am not sure which weekend she is coming down. Lol.. At least there's always things I look forward to the weekend instead of urgh.. I have nothing to look forward to.. =P

I recently order my work uniform for myself. It's quite good that the company gives allowance for employees to buy the uniforms. Even though I order, I still have to alter the skirt and pants because they're too long for me. The waist is fine though. I wear black most of the time, hoho.. looks depressing because all black. Well nurses uniforms are not that depressing because they wear white colour right? Hehehe..

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