Sunday, December 11, 2011


Last Friday, our department had a brilliance award where people were nominated for doing something up and beyond. I got something too, I was the runner up. Darling also got something as the winner. Hehehe.. so proud. Anyway, we also had our dinner at Ferrymead that night. Dinner was alright, not too bad and we had chance to play golf too. Hoho.. I'm trying not to boast but people actually said that I am good. My arm and chest were so sore the next day though.

But it was really fun. The next day was shopping day. Bought some few bits and pieces. Took us quite long to choose because we were comparing the prices between each shops. But it was worth it because we had the staff discount. =) We bought a new printer too. We need it because my old printer cant work due to dry ink inside the printer ink. Sigh..

There were a lot of mobile phone canada on sale too. I didn't check them out because I don't need a new one or even new plan. There are of no use to me anyway as I am satisfied with my current plan and the phone. I know mobile phones are getting cheap and it would be a good time to get them. So those who thinks it is time for them to upgrade phones, go ahead. =)

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