Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day Two

Look how nice the front garden is now. The four of us did it this whole afternoon. It wasn't too bad because it's not that sunny compared to yesterday and we got a lot done with the four of us taking turns after each other are tired. I am so proud of us. Hehehe..


We were thinking of getting professionals to do it because it sounds like a hard job and it wont look so nice if it's us doing. You can see that the tiles are not even. In the end, we decide that it doesn't matter as long as the grass doesn't grow as we don't want to have to waste so much time cutting the grass.

We had to level the soil so shovelling all the soil was hard work and very tiring. I am not strong you know. So darling did most of the shovelling though the three of us takes turn to shovel. I don't think it is the same as asking people to help shovel and buy gold coins for them yeah? I mean, giving gold coin is a standard thing here. Most do it to wear mufti at school or at work. Anyway, what are we complaining about when people in the red zone shovel the mud out everyday after the strong earthquake. Ish..

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