Saturday, September 03, 2011

Daily updates

Just came back from work and we just had a team bonding lunch thing. We had this personality survey to tell us how the way we work and behave. It is quite interesting because I found out some things about myself that I didn't know. It is quite good to get to know how the others perform and you would know the way they work.

I ate so much too. Don't really need appetite suppressants to help me since I can just eat anything. Not really very picky too, I think. Anyway, so much for the weather expert predicting that it is going to snow today. It's a little cold but still sunny. Frosty in the morning though but alright.

Tomorrow I think we have a bbq to go to. Hmm.. sounds like exciting weekend to look forward huh. =) I think the whole month since the friend staying with us are here till end of the month. Yay!!! Then, October is another busy month to prepare wedding stuff and practicing doce pares. =)

Think I need to colour the blog with some photos soon.

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