Monday, August 15, 2011

Bumble bee..

I am most likely going to bombard my blog with posts this week. Hahaha.. Oh yeah, wanted to say that health and safety has been like a priority at work. They had a health check where someone came in to check our blood pressure, sugar level and cholesterol.

I was average. I thought I would be a little higher for cholesterol since I do eat a lot of pies but no.. hmm.. that is good news. That means I am healthy. Hehe.. but I still do have to exercise. Lazy lah.. and I can't be bothered at times too. I would rather watch what I eat instead of exercising. Yes I am lazy.

It's snowing heavily outside. Actually more like hail because it is quite loud. But it looks like the snow is melting. The wind is really strong too. Lucky thing I am inside. I am definitely not going outside. I don't want to freeze. Need to check out some home security cameras to monitor around. Lately people have been throwing beer bottles inside our house compound. Yesterday, I found a 20cents coin though. Lol

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