Monday, August 20, 2012

Over the week

Another week has passed. Week was great, getting pay rise and bonus for the year. I was thinking of great plans for ourselves. After our upcoming holiday, we're going to look out for houses and also save money for holiday to Machu Pichu.

Yes, it is one of my dream holiday. I first saw the photo of the ancient city ruins in a science book and vowed to visit the place. Lol I can't wait till I see it. I also have great plans for myself in terms of career and health. I am definitely looking forward to do my great list. =)

I think I have mild gastric. I am still bloated and have puked twice since. To make it worse, I had headache too. Now I felt much better after taking panadol. I can smell the puke in my nose and mouth though. Lol..

Next post please.

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