Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Girls' tea party

So we had our girls tea party on the 21 July. It was awesome. Everyone dressed up too. Have a look at the tea bag. Closely.

Awesome and creative right? It is made out of biscuit and you can eat them. There were so much of food. A few other girls and I were appointed to do another one during spring. I hope to do a better job. But I am not creative so it won't be that nice. The venue suggested to be outside so we will have picnic. I hope to have time to organize though. So far, I haven't done anything at all or get in touch with the girls who are supposed to be organizing with me.

The picnic should be in September because I am going to be away during October and November. Well, I will be busy getting ready for holidays so I won't have the time. I hope to do something in August but looks like I am going to be busy. Looking for houses and also starting on a new role.

Yes, this will be in the next post yeah. =)


gold price said...

Thought you might enjoy seeing how some of the houses in our neighborhood were decked out for the Fourth. It was an old-fashioned American kind of a day. Complete with children selling lemonade in red white and blue stovepipe hats, picnics on the lawn and a parade in all it's flag-waving glory. Part of the charm of our little village is how the everyone turns out to celebrate. Sorry about the quality of the pictures, I was trying to be discreet as I snapped them.

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