Monday, July 23, 2012


Now I am back blogging. Just came back from church. I wrote a bit of notes of what pastor preaches every Sunday. Today, he saw my notes and he told me that he felt touched that I wrote notes. Hehe.. I take notes because without it, it won't stay in my head and I won't be a better person today.

I was talking to a friend today about not having enough time for myself. Yesterday, we had girls' tea party. We had sharing and we were asked to say what to be thankful for this year. I could not think of anything because I realize that I have not done anything interesting for myself. Sad huh..

I mean, I can think of some events that I have been. But none interesting. Sigh.. I mentioned to friend that I don't have enough time now that I have more things going on. If I have more time, I would love to do more swimming. I do like it because it is exercise and makes me feel confident. I would like to do more reading on improving my interpersonal communication skills and business writing. I would also like to blog more [I blog less often this year due to no time]. I would like to travel more [need to save more].

In the end, I just said I was thankful for God guiding me in improving towards career path. Lol all the nonsense huh.

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