Sunday, July 01, 2012

Going through alright

Damn, I just typed a long post and when I posted it, it went blank. Stupid, now I have to retype it again and I can't seem to remember what exactly I blogged.

Anyway, I was saying that God has been good to me. He gave me a mentor who helps me with my cv and cover letter. Also want to coach me through interviews so I gain confidence in talking. She is also darling's mentor. She said that she see both of us have the potential in developing our careers. We both don't even know what we want to do. Very grateful that she is there to guide us. God must have send her to us to do the work on us. Lol not the missionary stuff la. I don't think both of us are missionary ideals. We can do anything else but that.

I was also saying that our weekly usage is going pretty good, we don't eat out that much anymore. We did have higher power bill though but this is only monthly. I think we are saving money in general. Hehehe..

I wonder how mummy and daddy are doing. They are in Kuching already.


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