Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Not sure

I saw this article on stuff.co.nz today. It does sounds like australia has jobs to offer for kiwis. Gosh, if all kiwis go over there, then what will become of NZ? I don't mean it in a bad way. I meant that NZ shouldn't lose too many people. I know it's the economy crisis state but still..

Actually, I just thought of this, I know the pay in OZ is high but the stress and responsibility are more so is it worth it? Don't forget that if you have a family, you might not be able to spend a lot of time with family. I am just saying but it may vary for different people though. Oh living cost there will definitely be higher too. May have to squeeze in a house if living there just to save money for yourself or family. How about getting foambymail memory foam mattresses? Hoho.. don't forget that buying a house is also more expensvie.

By the way, the road change rule is changing on Sunday. I got this article here. I don't know how it is going to be like but I hope it won't cause traffic jam. I mean, from the way I see, it's going to cause traffic jam especially for the ones turning right. If the cars cannot turn right at the T-junction, then that's traffic jam. I hate to drive like that la and no cars to let you through. Ish.. it's like back to Msia rules where there's always traffic jam.

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