Thursday, November 01, 2007


Today is another day of studying. I did not drink my energy drink today. Not bad but I was really tired. I had a late start to study though. I woke up to have lunch first then headed off to library to meet up with friends to study. Discussing over exams questions before our exams tomorrow. The dark circles under my eyes are getting bigger and more grey-er. Well, one more week and everything is done.

Last night, mer, em, irene and I went to Ancestral for a break. It was really a good break, having my usual drink and talking. Irene was telling us about jobs interviews. Mer freaked out. She is scared to go to job interviews after she graduates. What Irene told us was that she went for this job interview in Auckland and there are 3 stages of interviews and they asked one question only on the first one, another question on second or third interview and that one question could last for up to 3 days. Imagine that kind of interview. Actually, that was a leadership job interview which was why it was so hard.

Anyway, I should head back to study. I feel like eating kueh tiaw. My craving during exam. How wonderful. ><


peebs said...

all interviews are like that

Anonymous said...

wow..gambate for ur exams!!

u can do well!!

may God give u rest and peace!! =p

love u!!