On Wednesday night, Em and I slept over at Mer's place. Before that, we went to Countdown to buy some stuff. We bought some snacks and wine to keep warm. The wine proved to be useful as it kept me warm that night.
Guess what happened. While waiting for Mer finish paying, Em and I sat outside on the bench waiting. We heard the security guard calling police and reported seeing an arguement. We did not hear the rest as Mer came out already and we headed off to the car.
It was then we saw the police car and we were looking at them to see what happen and the police car make a U turn and followed behind us. Then, all of the sudden, I saw blue and red lights and Mer pulled over. I bet I was like 'What the hell, what is happening...'
The police asked Mer if we were arguing and of course we answered no. Why would we be arguing. Anyway, I asked what happened and Mer echoed to the police. The police repeated what the security guard mentioned and said they left in a green rover. And he turned on the torch at the car and said ' oh no blue..' So, I don't know what the police meant. They must have heard it wrong. Anyway, the police asked Mer for her driving lisence and her address. Yea.. I guess it's like that. Wow.. interesting to be stopped by a police. What an experience.
I don't wish to be stopped by a police even if I did not do anything wrong.
Made me scared only.
Anyway, after that, we resumed our way back to Mer's place.
Guess what happened. While waiting for Mer finish paying, Em and I sat outside on the bench waiting. We heard the security guard calling police and reported seeing an arguement. We did not hear the rest as Mer came out already and we headed off to the car.
It was then we saw the police car and we were looking at them to see what happen and the police car make a U turn and followed behind us. Then, all of the sudden, I saw blue and red lights and Mer pulled over. I bet I was like 'What the hell, what is happening...'
The police asked Mer if we were arguing and of course we answered no. Why would we be arguing. Anyway, I asked what happened and Mer echoed to the police. The police repeated what the security guard mentioned and said they left in a green rover. And he turned on the torch at the car and said ' oh no blue..' So, I don't know what the police meant. They must have heard it wrong. Anyway, the police asked Mer for her driving lisence and her address. Yea.. I guess it's like that. Wow.. interesting to be stopped by a police. What an experience.
I don't wish to be stopped by a police even if I did not do anything wrong.
Made me scared only.
Anyway, after that, we resumed our way back to Mer's place.
Nice, homely place. I just ranted about the house(mate(s)) in my blog. Hmph.
haha so funny..'thing to suck up smoke' gniahaha
Lynnx01: Sigh.. it's nice to be flatting on ur own and with people u know as well. and yup, read it.
veep: i hv no idea wat the smoke thingy name/called.
very nice flat le.. i also want something like tat to live in, esp the kitchen.. very nice :)
osbert: yea. i love the flat and i miss it. I am going there again this friday night.
wah, going there to play2 again har?? eeee... so nice.. blek :P
osbert: well, can I not go there? I like her flat. I was just talking to other frens who are thinking of moving out next year and they are all looking for houses. I want to move in with them but emma and i already have place next year. sigh.. i want to flat out with frens la.
That must have been a bit scary with the police after you guys! Shivers! Not a pleasant experience is it? Hope you are well:)
yea, there are pros and cons to get ur house early. bt don't worry, its only another yr then u can move out rite? after that u can go live with ur other frens lo. should be funner. :) but then as long as all of u don't live too far away, its still possible to hang out often and don't forget ur studies.
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