Saturday, August 11, 2007


I enjoyed myself yesterday.

Once again, I had to go for the sponsoring. I did not expect much and I wanted to just do it without worrying or thinking too much. So, my friends and I went in to ask the manager. At some point, we had to ask our CMSA president to back us up as we do not speak Mandarin very well and we don't know a lot about how the organising goes. Anyway, it was ok. We ended up going to the public library in Fendalton. Nice library. Never been there before.

At night, Em and I went to this Malaysian dances. I enjoyed laughing at them because the dances are funny or they danced funny. After all that laughing, Anu came to pick me, Em and Li for bubble tea. Moments later, Mer arrived with 4 other friends. We had fun chatting and talking pictures.

Today, it is time for some work done. =)


Sherp said...

how come dances are funny??

jazz said...

sherp: Cos they dance weird? the moves are funny. Oh ya.. one of them is not dance so it's singing and it's funny.