Sunday, July 29, 2007

Warm and Humid

Last week, it was really warm. So warm that you might think it is summer. Everyone was praising for the nice warm weather. Then, I thought, isn't it winter? It is supposed to be winter so why is it so warm? It should be cold and gloomy how it is in London.

But then, winter in NZ isn't as cold as winter in London. Winter in NZ, I can still wear leggings with skirt. How cool is that, though I did keep complaining it's cold. Still, it is not freezing as it is in London.

Oh ya.. I wanted to say something, when I went to do the sponsorship, Shiraz, another friend who came with me and Em said that my Mandarin is better than her. She said my mandarin is very good. Hehehe.. I wasn't impressed with my Mandarin as I know it's lousy. At YAG (young adult groups) that I went on Saturday nights at Em's church, I can barely understand what others was saying (p/s they were speaking Mandarin).

I just finished one assignment, the other one is still incomplete. I only have a little bit to finish off. Don't worry, I can finish it in 5 minutes if only I know how to do it. Problem is I am stuck on one integration part. AAAAhh.. frustrated frustrated.. and it's integration in Stats. How can that be? Stupid.. I had to recall my Calculus from last year. Took me some time to remember them.


glo teng said...

you helping to do the sponsorship thing for Malam? :)

jazz said...

glo: yes, I am. I joined becas Em joined. =P

peebs said...

glo: weren't we at the meeting?

did i say that? i think you should rephrased your sentence. so confusing.

you are that blur mian at YAG!! i think i understand more than you do :P wakakkaka

jazz said...

maem: wat phrase?
Yea.. am I that blur at YAG? I do understand some words they were saying, not all.

peebs said...

nvm u're still blur.

peebs said...

oops.. i dun noe what is wrong with my eyes. i tot glo was oli. sorry! yeah we are helping. heh.